The growing variety of innovative Martial Arts coming to communities often report having taken "the best" of a select art, or arts, and formulated some new art, or a modern interpretation of an old art. The implication is that somehow there is a great amount of extra material which can be ignored, removed or substituted. The publication of this syllabus provides the student with some insight into what a traditional art requires of its' practitioners. These are ancient arts and no apology is made for their antiquity or promises made that they will be anything but challenging and rewarding to learn. They remain an integral part of traditional Hapkido as well as individuals arts in their own right.
10th Guep (Introductory Student) Time in Grade: 2 months (or 24 hrs) Skills Training: Dochang Ettiquette Standing Bow Kneeling Bow Three Ettiquttes (Yaejul) Class Warm-up Sam Dong Jak (Three-Count Striking) E Dong Jak (Two-Count Striking) Il Dong Jak (Single-Count Striking) Paruen mori (Single Count strike w/ hopping step) Yuenkyok (Giving and receiving strikes -- without armor) Target Striking Crown of head (Mori) Side of head (Mori) Wrist (Somok) Chest (Hari) Class Cool-down
Student Manual: Units: 1, 2.1, 2.2, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3; Page: 22
9th Guep (Wearing Armor) Time in Grade: 2 months (or 24 hours) Skills Training: Yuenkyok (Giving and receiving strikes -- with armor) Daeryun (Sparring) Striking Drills Left Deflect against Static Posture; Mori Strike Right Deflect against Static Posture; Somok Strike Bon Class: Sa Bang Juk Sal Kum Bop (Universal Sword Form) Techniques 1-8 Hwa Rang O-Kum a.Ch�ung Kum
Student Manual: Units: 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 6.4 Pages: 23
8th Guep (Wearing Armor) Time in Grade: 2 months (or 24 hrs) Skills Training: Yuenkyok (Giving and receiving strikes -- with armor) Daeryun (Sparring) Striking Drills a.)Right Deflect: Hari Strike b.)Right Deflect: Somok, then Hari Strike c.)Rising Deflect: Mori Strike d.)Rising Deflect: Somok Strike Bon Class: Sa Bang Juk Sal Kum Bop (Universal Sword Form) Techniques 9-16 Hwa Rang O-Kum b.Hyo Kum
Student Manual: Units: 3.3 Page: 17
7th Guep (Wearing Armor) Time in Grade: 2 months (or 24 hrs) Skills Training: Yuenkyok (Giving and receiving strikes -- with armor) Daeryun (Sparring) Striking Drills a.)Body Check; Mori Strike b.)Body Check; Somok Strike c.) Body Check; Hari Strike d.)Evade Left; Mori Strike e.)Evade Right; Mori Strike
Bon Class: Sa Bang Juk Sal Kum Bop (Universal Sword Form) Techniques 17-27 Hwa Rang O-Kum c.Shin Kum
Student Manual: Pages 8, 9, 10 and 11
6th Guep (Wearing Armor) Time in Grade: 2 months (24 hrs) Skills Training: Yuenkyok (Giving and receiving strikes -- with armor) Daeryun (Sparring) Striking Drills a.)Counter Head Strike: Rising Parry, and Hari strike b.)Counter Somok Strike Fan Deflection and Mori Strike c.) Counter Head Strike Body Check; Mori Strike Bon Class: Sa Bang Juk Sal Kum Bop (Universal Sword Form) Techniques 28 to End of Form Hwa Rang O-Kum d.Yong Kum
Student Manual: 5th Guep (Wearing Armor) Time in Grade: 2 months (or 24 hrs) Skills Training: Yuenkyok (Giving and receiving strikes -- with armor) Daeryun (Sparring) Striking Drills a.)Counter Hari Strike Inside Parry and Mori Strike b.)Counter Mori Strike Deflect strike to L/R and Mori Strike c.) Partner in Static Posture; Deflect R/L and Throat Thrust Bon Class: Sa Bang Juk Sal Kum Bop (Universal Sword Form) Continuous Hwa Rang O-Kum e.In Kum
Student Manual:
4th Guep (Wearing Armor) Time in Grade: 2 months (or 24 hrs) Skills Training: Yuenkyok (Giving and receiving strikes -- with armor) Daeryun (Sparring) Striking Drills a.)Partner Strikes Mori b.)Deflect L/R; strike, mori, sumok, hari Bon Class: Pung Uei Kum Bop Hwa Rang O-Kum (Continuous ) Sa Bang Juk Sal Kum Bop
Student Manual:
3rd Guep (Wearing Armor) Time in Grade: 2 months (or 24 hrs) Skills Training: Yuenkyok (Giving and receiving strikes -- with armor) Daeryun (Sparring) Striking Drills Attack with any combination of Mori, Somok and Hari; then retreat.
Bon Class: Kun Kal Kum Bop Il Shik (parts 1&2) Pung Uei Kum Bop Hwa Rang O-Kum Sa Bang Juk Sal Kum Bop
Student Manual
2nd Guep (Wearing Armor) Time in Grade: 2 months (or 24 hrs) Skills Training: Yuenkyok (Giving and receiving strikes -- with armor) Daeryun (Sparring) Striking Drills Attack with any combination of Mori, somok, and Hari; then check, then strike Mori Bon Class: Kun Kal Kum Bop Il Shik (parts 1&2) E Shik (parts 1&2) Pung Uei Guem Bop Hwa Rang O-Guem Sa Bang Juk Sal Guem Bop
Student Manual:
1st Guep (Wearing Armor) Time in Grade: 2 months (or 24 hrs) Skills Training: Yuenkyok (Giving and receiving strikes -- with armor) Daeryun (Sparring) Striking Drills Fluency in all movements 9th to 2nd Guep BonClass: Kun Kal Kum Bop Il Shik (parts 1&2) E Shik (parts 1&2) Sam Shik (parts 1&2) Pung Uei Kum Bop Hwa Rang O-Kum Sa Bang Juk Sal Kum Bop
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